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Plus: Robert Kitson on England making it to the Doctors given green light to prescribe medicinal cannabis in UK | 26.07.2018 · Doctors will be able to legally prescribe medicinal cannabis to patients in the UK, the Home Office has said. Home Secretary Sajid Javid has decided to reschedule the products, relaxing the rules Will cannabis ever be legalised in the UK? These are the laws Will cannabis ever be legalised in the UK? These are the laws around weed.

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Lauer-Taxe) bei Abgabe zu Lasten der GKV, die sich gemäß § 129 Abs. 5a SGB V aus dem Abgabepreis des pharmazeutischen Unternehmens und der Arzneimittelpreisverordnung in der Fassung zum 31.12.2003 ergibt.

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